Café Photovoice Participant Gallery
“El aprecio y la gratitud son gran parte de mi recuperación. Tienes que apreciar esas cosas que describen tu dolor. Lo bueno y lo malo. Tu alegría y tu dolor. Es como ese disco, el sol y la lluvia. Tienes fotos de la lluvia con las plumas y las alas. Luego tienes los cielos soleados con los árboles. Esas son todas las emociones que me atraviesan, a travéboles. Esas son todas las emociones que me atraviesan, a través de cualquier cosa. Es cómo lo manejas…Lo que te hace una mejor persona o lo que te ayuda en la recuperación. Tengo que hablar de eso. Simplemente no puedes guardar tanto adentro… no puedes guardar rencor porque te consume, y cuando te detienes en las cosas y mantienes las cosas, y piensas en negativo, se convierte en una nube oscura. Entonces, trato de mantener me cabeza hacia el cielo.”
— Participant Four
“Appreciation and gratitude is a big part of my recovery. You have to appreciate those things that describe your pain. Your good and your bad. your joy and your pain. It’s like that record, sunshine, and rain. You got the pictures of the rain with the feathers and the wings. Then you got the sunny skies with the trees. Those are all the emotions that go through me, through anybody…It’s how you deal with it…What makes you a better person or what helps you in the recovery. I have to talk about it. You just can’t keep so much inside…you can’t hold a grudge because it consumes you. and when you dwell on stuff and keep things in, and you think negative, it becomes like a dark cloud. So, I try to keep my head to the sky.”
— Participant Four

Participant One
Participant Two
Participant Three
Participant Four
Participant Five
Participant Six

“A place to come to; the helping grounds.”
~Participant Four

Participant Feedback
Participant Feedback
“I think it (Café Photovoice Participant Virtual Exhibition website) would be a good place for social workers actually—Like before they talk to their clients…if they went and took a look at the perspective of the patient before—Or if they had it (Café Photovoice Participant Virtual Exhibition) as a part of their training, so they could look at patient concepts of care and the different themes. So even , though, it’s not their particular patient, they have a concept of how patients feel but are not necessarily able to discuss.”
~Participant Five
2023 Bowen Humanitarian Awards Program
Cafe Photovoice Permanent Exhibition Participants Three and Five are featured in a specially produced interview for the Emma L. Bowen Community Service Center Gala, 2023. Interviewed by Shelita Birchett Benash, starts at 50.39-1:06
Café Photovoice Virtual Exhibition Opening October 2023
The Café Photovoice Virtual Exhibition Opening includes Bowen Center Administrators and Staff, the Adelphi Photovoice research team, and participants Three and Five sharing poetry, stories about their artworks, and lived experiences around being a part of the Café Photovoice study.