Photovoice Participatory
Action Research Team
Adelphi University School of Social Work

How did we get here?
The Emma L. Bowen Community Service Center wanted to showcase the Café Photovoice participants’ artworks and stories from their lived experiences throughout the entire second floor. The group of thirty-six matted and framed digital photographs, photomontages, photographic banners, graphic quotes, and wall lettering captures aspects of the lived experiences of community members who volunteered to participate in this Photovoice Participatory Action Research Study. The participants’ artworks are now a permanent part of the existing Bowen Center legacy art collection. The gallery below features photos from our first visit to measure the exhibition layout on June 29, 2021. You are welcome to scroll through the galleries below.

Café Photovoice graphic signage installed throughout the Bowen Center engages visitors with the participant exhibition.

Café Photovoice Permanent Participant Exhibition Installation During the COVID-19 Global Pandemic

“A Place to Come to; the helping Grounds.”
~Participant Four
As the participants shared the stories of their lives, specific phrases would jump out, such as, "Keeping my head to the sky, the helping grounds, and Just keep smiling." The participants were speaking through their photos; this dialogue inspired caption overlaying in each photo. The intention is for the viewer to hear the community member's voices as they gaze directly at their photographs, the words and image being one.
Photovoice is deeply ethical work rooted in dignity, respect, worth of the person, and informed consent.

“What I like most actually is with COVID you can do it (therapy) on the phone…Video therapy because it’s a big challenge for me to get up the hill now to go.”
~Participant Five

“One of the most beautiful aspects of Photovoice Participatory action research is its embedded nature. The participants and researchers work together and communicate throughout a non-hierarchal process of knowledge building with the capacity to break through language and culture barriers.”
~Shelita Birchett Benash, MSW

“Adaptation as a theme, since you can’t always choose where to go down. You should always adapt to what life gives you.”
~Participant Six

“Seeking help is a transition and you have to unlock the door to get to the other side. The door will be a gateway to change.
~Participant Five

“I mean, I think it is a good program or thing that you’re doing because you know, we get to see the things we have done. You know, we get to express some of our own experience and we get to create new stuff.”
~Participant One
The Café Photovoice Participant Permanent Exhibition Lives on with the Bowen Center Community

“I am incredibly grateful to experience arts-based action research in social work education and community practice with Adelphi, Bowen Center, and Photovoice Worldwide because my deepest motivations for entering the social work profession spring from my desire to take my art and creativity to a healing, connected, and regenerative place.”
“These exhibitions are powerful advocacy tools…”
“We have been able to promote continual engagement on the issue of access to care through our permanent exhibit in the agency and now have expanded that capacity through this virtual exhibit. We’ve received positive feedback from key individuals in the NY State behavioral health regulatory world. We plan to host stakeholders in the months to come. These exhibitions are powerful advocacy tools as they uplift the voices and experiences of those who have experience receiving care/ services at Emma Bowen.”
~Rebecca Krakauer, MPH, LMSW, Director, Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) Expansion Grant
Café Photovoice Community Leadership Award 2022
“I love that thing (Café Photovoice Community Leadership Award). It’s a big boost to my self esteem—That’s a proud moment. At the awards ceremony, I didn’t know we were going to get Leadership Awards. I was really happy. That made me feel like there will be a connection to the community with the exhibit.”
~Participant Six

Bowen Community
Café Photovoice Permanent Participant Exhibition Opening April 28, 2021
“You can’t keep so much inside…you can’t hold a grudge because it consumes you…”
~Participant Four
Gracías! Thank you!
Café Photovoice Participant Virtual Exhibition Artist Team
Graphic Art
Kayla McGowen, BA Candidate-Adelphi
Lauren Weissler, MSW Candidate -Adelphi
Web Design
Rue Silver, MPH
CCBHC Program Manager-Bowen, PhD Candidate-Adelphi
Café Photovoice Permanent Participant Exhibition Concept, Design, and Curation
Virtual Exhibition Web Design and Photography
Shelita Birchett Benash, MSW
IDEATE Integrated and Behavioral Health Fellow- Adelphi
New York State Social Work Education Association (NYSSWEA)
MSW Student of the Year 2021