Participant One
“A day outside.”
~Participant One
“Now I am able to help my daughter and have patience.”
"~Participant One
Rumbo a una meta
Trabajar hacia una meta
Fotografía digital, ny. 2021
Esa es mi hija. Ella está haciendo “online class” en Zoom. Digo, no en Zoom, virtual…Y ahora la ayudo. Como ya no tengo dolores de cabeza ahora tengo paciencia en ayudarle, y ahí le estoy ayudando. Mi teléfono está ahí, la estoy ayudando a escribir y haciendo sus deberes.
Rumba a una meta
Working towards a goal
Digital photography, ny. 2021
That’s my daughter. She is doing "online class" on Zoom. I mean, not on Zoom, on remote... And now I help her. As I no longer have headaches I now have patience in helping her, and there I am helping her. My phone is there, I'm helping her write and doing her homework.
~Participant One
“My relaxing zone. I often go here to read or relax. Would prefer to relax.”
Fotografía digital, ny. 2021
Mi zona de relajarme. A menudo voy aquí para leer o relajarme. Prefiero relajarme.
Digital photography, ny. 2021
My relaxing zone. I often go here to read or relax. Would prefer to relax.
“Before, I used to sleep because I was hung over. Now I go to class and follow my schedule.”
~Participant One
Fotografía digital, ny. 2021
Para mi significa esta que antes en las mañanas me la pasaba durmiendo porque tenía dolor de cabeza... Era porque tenía hangover… y ahora estoy haciendo mis deberes con mi tratamiento, y en las clases; haciendo lo que tengo que hacer para ser mejor persona.
Digital photography, ny. 2021
For me it means that before in the mornings I spent it sleeping because I had a headache ... It was because I had a hangover... and now I'm doing my homework with my treatment, and in the classes; doing what I have to do to be a better person.
~Participant One
“Didn’t have interactions with kids and used to drink. The thermos used to be beer not coffee.”
Sin título
Fotografía digital, ny. 2021
Es mi sobrino. El martes estuvo bonito, entonces fuimos al parque … En el pasado, antes – Podría decir que no interactuaba con los niños porque estaba ahí bebiendo con mis hermanas, con mis conocidos, y ahora es diferente porque – ¿Ve el termo que está ahí?... Tenía café, y no tenía cerveza como antes…Me sentí bien. Me sentí como orgullosa de que ahora estoy haciendo cosas que antes ni pensaba que podía hacer.
Digital photography, ny. 2021
He's my nephew. Tuesday was nice, so we went to the park ... In the past, before – I could say that I didn't interact with the kids because I was there drinking with my sisters, with my acquaintances, and now it's different because – Do you see the thermos that's there? ... I had coffee, and I didn't have beer likebefore... I felt good. I was proud that I'm now doing things that I didn't even think I could do.
Participant One
“A Day Outside.”
Una dia afuera, ny. 2021
A day outside
Digital photography